
Bone and Tissue Regeneration A Game Changer

British researchers at the University of Birmingham conducted a study that could alter the field of regenerative medicine. They developed a way to regenerate human bone and tissue using non-scale structures. This helps the body more efficiently replace tissue that was lost. Although it will be many years before the technology is approved for public use, the implications of the research can significantly alter the use the stem cell therapy.


Global Stem Cells Group offers not only equipment and kits for point of care stem cell applications,  but also through Stem Cells Training Inc  we provide physicians with  Hands-on Stem cell training, designed for those who wants to get involved in this exciting field of medicine. Degenerative conditions could be better treated through the use of the stem cell technology.. To better understand what this technology entails, we will use Osteoarthritis as a prime example.


In case you were unaware, osteoarthritis is a condition where the tissue between the joints start to degrade, which prevents the free movement of the joints. This can cause severe pain in sufferers of the condition. To help relieve the pain, the doctors attending our courses are taught to use the equipments for  PRP and Adipose derived stem cells isolation and processing. The use of this technology can help to reverse some of the effects, lower pain and allows for more movement.


What was discovered


It was discovered by the researchers that these nano-structures could be produced naturally through the stimulation of human cells, these structures are known as vesicles. Vesicles are small extracellular structures that can have a multitude of functions, such as helping cells to create certain substances.  


Researchers came to the conclusion that “purifying” these vesicles could make a substance that can be highly beneficial in regenerative medicine. This could be use to further create new growth tissue. The efforts were focused on making a tissue that can be used in more than one patient, other than the more autologous method that current doctors are trained in.


This Autologous treatment is when you take the stem cells from the patient who is currently being treated. That is then injected into where the treatment is occurring. This currently treatment method lowers rejection rates, but each treatment needs new stem cells. The researchers at the University of Birmingham are trying a new approach.


They wanted to go further, and create a treatment that any patient can use. They believe that vesicles are important in this process, and they showed that they can be used to regenerate tissue regardless of the initial owner of the cells. This way, it increases the potential for just one sample can be used to treat multiple people at once.


Why it matters


Regardless of the criticisms of stem cell research, the research continues which allows us to further train our doctors. This excites us, as we strive to teach the best and most effective methods for our patients. This helps us treat the countless patients that we have treated or have helped treat. We are also excited for the great strides in medical research, which helps people all around the world to seek treatment for a variety of ailments.


Regenerative medicine has great potential. It can alter the landscape of modern healthcare and redirect it away from an era that is too used to using surgery and medications to treat every ailment. This makes regenerative medicine a great alternative that will help treat patients and help them to cure their diseases, instead of just managing their symptoms.


Hopefully this research will prove to be effective, and be able to be used for a whole swath of diseases, thus eliminating the need for various surgeries. This can also help reduce the number of pharmaceuticals on the market as well. We will see in time this treatment can help us to create whole tissue in the lab.