
Global Stem Cells Group Plans Bone Marrow Clinical Trials for Knee Osteoarthritis

Global Stem Cells Group has announced plans to hold clinical trials, pending IRB approval, for bone marrow stem cell treatments targeting knee osteoarthritis. The trials will be held in five GSCG facilities in the U.S. and South America, with 25 patients accepted for each location.

MIAMI, March 31, 2016—Pending Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, Global Stem Cells Group, Inc. has announced plans to conduct a multi-center, placebo controlled clinical trial to measure the safety and effectiveness of the intra-articular application of freshly isolated bone marrow stem cells for the treatment of osteoarthritis.GSCG2

The clinical trials, which will begin July 1, 2016 and run for one year, will be held in Global Stem Cell Group facilities in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Bogota, Colombia; Quito, Ecuador; Miami, Florida and Topeka, Kansas. Each center will accept 25 patients per clinical trial, and patients will receive a bone marrow stem cell injection in one knee and a placebo in the other knee..

Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 7.04.59 PMThe trials are designed to investigate the possible beneficial effect of freshly harvested bone marrow stem cell applications on knee osteoarthritis patients in the control group. Patients will receive standard treatment of bone marrow stem cells intravenously, and will be monitored and assessed for any changes in clinical condition.

Knee osteoarthritis is a chronic, progressive condition affecting an increasing number of people, especially the elderly and obese. It is characterized by degeneration of the cartilage—the natural cushioning between joints inside the knee.

The condition is the result of the wearing away of cartilage. When this happens, the bones of the joints rub more closely against one another with less of the shock-absorbing benefits of cartilage, resulting in pain, swelling, stiffness and a decreased ability to move.

Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 7.53.57 PMAccording to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), knee osteoarthritis will affect 67 million people in the United States by 2030. While conventional treatments like physiotherapy or drugs offer temporary relief of clinical symptoms, total knee replacement is the closest treatment available for permanent relief, which requires invasive surgery, comes at a high cost and is not always successful. The latest advances in stem cell therapies for knee osteoarthritis are designed to restore cartilage function in the knee.

Global Stem Cells Group offers the most advanced protocols and techniques in cellular medicine from around the world.

Details of the protocol and eligibility criteria will be released upon IRB approval.

For more information on Global Stems Cell Group, visit the Global Stem Cells Group website, email bnovas(at)stemcellsgroup(dot)com, or call +1 305 560 5337.

About Global Stem Cells Group:

Global Stem Cells Group, Inc, is the parent company of six wholly owned operating companies dedicated entirely to stem cell research, training, products and solutions. Founded in 2012, the company combines dedicated researchers, physician and patient educators and solution providers with the shared goal of meeting the growing worldwide need for leading edge stem cell treatments and solutions. With a singular focus on this exciting new area of medical research, Global Stem Cells Group and its subsidiaries are uniquely positioned to become global leaders in cellular medicine.

Global Stem Cells Group’s corporate mission is to make the promise of stem cell medicine a reality for patients around the world. With each of GSCG’s six operating companies focused on a separate research-based mission, the result is a global network of state-of-the-art stem cell treatments.

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