
Global Stem Cells Group’s Chile Facility Expected to Receive Regenetech RTA Certification

Global Stem Cells Group CEO Benito Novas has announced that the company’s Santiago, Chile clinical facility is expected to receive Regenerative Technologies Aliance (RTA) certification in early 2016. RTA certification represents the pinnacle of excellence in stem cell and regenerative medicine.

Global Stem Cells Group has announced that its clinical facility in Santiago, Chili is expected to receive RTA certification from the Regenerative Technologies Alliance (RTA) Regenetech in early 2016. Earning RTA certification means that GSCG Chile meets the highest standards of excellence in current medical and laboratory practices against established standards.

The RTA certification program is conducted by experts in the field of regenerative and cell-based medicine. The Regenerative Technologies Alliance, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization operated by Regenetech and supported by individuals and institutions committed to bringing peer oversight and transparency to the regenerative and cell-based medicine industry, provides certification for:

  • Laboratory Facilities that provide the processing of human tissue for the development of cell-based applications
  • Clinical facilities seeking to participate in authorized studies that are approved by Institutional Review Boards (IRB)
  • Medical facilities providing cell-based medical therapies to patients.

According to Benito Novas, CEO of Global Stem Cells Group, the GSCG Chile facility will be certified under the direction of David B. Audley, RTA Chair and General Secretary. Audley is a highly regarded medical marketing and management services consultant who co-founded MedTourGlobal after 10 years in the emerging field of regenerative medicine.

Global Stem Cells Group Chile CEO Enrique Testart, M.D. is the founder of Consortia Innovas in Santiago, a medical management company that focuses on helping patients gain access to the latest treatments in regenerative medicine as they become available.

Testart and Novas have collaborated on the push to highlight Chile’s appeal as a destination for patients seeking stem cell therapies for a variety of conditions, and as part of GSCG’s ongoing commitment to expand the reach of stem cell treatments throughout Latin America.

Testart and Novas formed an alliance in September 2014 that placed Testart in charge of all Global Stem Cells Group divisions and programs in Chile, including patient recruiting, physician training and certification trough GSCG subsidiary Stem Cell Training, and stem cell equipment and disposables sales through GSCG subsidiary Adimarket. Being scheduled for RTA certification, Novas says, is largely due to Testart’s knowledge and dedication to helping patients gain access to the latest regenerative medicine treatments available today.

“Dr. Testart is a committed colleague and a great asset to Global Stem Cells Group,” Novas says. “His dedication and hard work over the past 14 months is a large part of he Chile facility’s achievements.”

Novas says that GSCG aims to have all the company’s clinical facilities earn RTA certification by the end of 2016.

Global Stem Cells Group in Chile represents one of the largest integrated science and technology organizations associated with tissue engineering and tissue regeneration. GSCG represents the areas of research, development, medical appliances, equipment and protocols for clinical standards. GSCG is fast becoming a global leader in adult stem cell therapies, medical training in stem cell protocols, and the manufacture of high quality products and supplies in regenerative medicine.

Their strategic leadership puts them in the forefront of stem cell research, medical education and patient care. Global Stem Cells Group comprises six companies, each of which works in specialty areas related to the stem cell industry .

To learn more, visit the Global Stem Cells Group website, Email bnovas@stemcellsgroup.com, or call 305-560-5337.

About the Global Stem Cells Group:

Global Stem Cells Group, Inc. is the parent company of six wholly owned operating companies dedicated entirely to stem cell research, training, products and solutions. Founded in 2012, the company combines dedicated researchers, physician and patient educators and solution providers with the shared goal of meeting the growing worldwide need for leading edge stem cell treatments and solutions.

With a singular focus on this exciting new area of medical research, Global Stem Cells Group and its subsidiaries are uniquely positioned to become global leaders in cellular medicine.

Global Stem Cells Groups corporate mission is to make the promise of stem cell medicine a reality for patients around the world. With each of GSCGs six operating companies focused on a separate research-based mission, the result is a global network of state-of-the-art stem cell treatments.

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