
Global Stem Cells Group Announces Plans to Hold Four International Symposiums on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine in 2015

The Global Stem Cells Group, Inc. has announced plans to host at least three international symposiums on stem cells and regenerative medicine in Latin America, and one in Miami in 2015.

gI_58682_Screen Shot 2014-10-21 at 3.28.55 PMGlobalStemCellsGroup, Inc. has announced plans to host a minimum of four international symposiums on stem cell research in 2015. The symposiums will be held in three Latin American countries—Chile, Mexico and Colombia—in which Global Stem Cells has established state-of-the-art stem cell clinics staffed with expert medical personnel trained in regenerative medicine, through the StemCell Center.

The fourth symposium will be held in Miami.

The decision follows the success of the Global Stem Cells Group’s first International Symposium on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, held Oct. 2, 3 and 4 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Global Stem Cells Group CEO Benito Novas says the Buenos Aires event, combined with its steady growth of new clinics throughout Latin America, has provided additional motivation to schedule more stem cell symposiums in an effort to further educate the medical community on the latest advancements in stem cell therapies.

Thanks to Global Stem Cells Group’s growing network of world-class stem cell researchers, treatment practitioners and investors committed to advancing stem cell medicine, the company is rapidly moving closer to its goal of helping physicians to bring treatments into their offices for the benefit of patients.
More than 900 physicians, researchers and regenerative medicine experts from around the world attended the Buenos Aires symposium, and Novas expects that number to grow with upcoming conferences.

“We will continue to bring together a variety of committed stem cell advocates from the U.S., Mexico, Greece, Hong Kong and other regions around the globe, to be joined by a team of knowledgeable speakers, each one presenting the future of regenerative medicine in their field of specialty,” Novas says.
Regenerative medicine as a field is still in its infancy, according to Global Stem Cell Group President and CEO Benito Novas.

“Our objective is to [open a dialogue among the world’s medical and scientific communities in order to advance stem cell technologies and translate them into point of care medicine to the best of out abilities,” Novas says. “Our mission is to bring the benefits of stem cell therapies to the physician’s office safely, efficacy and compliance with the highest standards of care with safety, efficacy and complying with the highest standard of care the world has to offer.

The purpose of each symposium is to bring top stem cell scientists together to share their knowledge and expertise in regenerative medicine, and begin the process of separating myths from facts when it comes to stem cell science and technology.